The Passion Project from Sean McFarland on Vimeo.
With Privilege, passions are easier to follow. If you are born into the right race, religious group, class or whatever characteristic, passions are less likely to be inhibited. Those who are less privileged usually have those (parents) who want them to do something else, to benefit the family (like making money). Being privileged could come with the perk of connections, wealth, and all kinds of other things. This means that their parents would be less worried if their passion is not likely to become true for them because by being privileged they still have more of an opportunity to make their passion come true than others do. I really do believe that this is unfair, but you cannot really choose what you are born into. While I may complain, I guess I should not blame some of the people that are privileged. In a way, they really can't help being what they are. They were born and raised that way. The only way to change them is to try and let them see what it is like to be on the other side of things, or try and make them see how they act to others. With that aside, passion is easier to obtain if you are one with privilege.
It is very difficult to follow your passion when you are not treated equally. Especially in the older times, when racism was still very prevalent within society people were classified and not treated the same. This is very true when there were still slaves in America. For example, in Thomas Jefferson's writing in "Notes on Virginia" he says "The blacks are inferior to whites both in the endowment of body and mind". This is straight up racist and unfair. Just because the color of their skin is different he believes that they are inferior. I think that he said this because he did not want to lose the many slaves he had when it was stated in the constitution that all men are created equal. This demoralizes those that are enslaved, saying that they are not even considered men, or even human for that matter. If a black person had a passion, they were not able to do it because they were discriminated against because they were believed inferior to whites.
Lawrence, you really make some good points here. It’s definitely right that if we don’t be treat the same, it will be hard to follow our passions. I also made a similar point in my post about passion and privilege. And not just the people in color have difficult time to pursuit of their passion, also the girls who live with Gender Code, the homosexual etc. Anyway, if we try hard and never give up, we still can make it right. :))